AI voice chatbot for MedCare Express transforms customer support

Case study

AI voice chatbot for MedCare Express transforms customer support

40% calls reduced | 80% calls answered | 100% employees satisfaction rate

Dec 19, 2022


  • 40% calls reduced

  • 80% calls answered

  • 100% employees satisfaction rate

When call volumes went through the roof, MedCare Express turned to us at Seni Labs for a solution. We developed the Conversational AI and Voice bot, and the results were impressive. They saw a huge drop in their daily calls, with 40% of them being redirected to SMS messaging. This made life easier for their customer service teams and receptionists. Basically, we helped them mix human touch, smart AI, and automated service in a way that made things smoother for everyone, even when patient calls spiked.

"Using Seni Labs' tools really changed how we communicate. Our staff aren't as overloaded, and our patients are happier. It lets us focus on what we do best – providing top-notch healthcare.”

~ Dr. Emily Stanton, CEO at MedCare Express

Too Many Calls, Too Little Time

By May 2022, MedCare Express was swamped with calls. They have some of the best clinics around, but they were struggling to keep up. They got hundreds of calls every day and sometimes, they could only answer 20% of them. The Covid-19 pandemic didn’t help, and neither did staffing problems. Receptionists were doing double duty, handling their regular tasks plus the extra calls that customer service couldn’t manage. They needed a way to handle the calls without making patients or staff frustrated.

Enter Our Voice bot and AI

In September 2022, MedCare Express tried out our Voice bot and Conversational tools. The new system made it easy for callers to get their answers via SMS messaging instead of waiting on hold. Now, when people really needed to talk to someone, they could get through faster.

We tweaked their IVR system so callers could decide if they wanted to send an SMS or talk to a person. We also added a handy FAQ option for quick answers. And if someone changed their mind while on hold, they could easily switch to SMS.

"Introducing Seni Labs' Voice bot was a big win for us. It took the pressure off our teams and made our service even better."

~ Jessica Martin, Director of Marketing and Outreach at MedCare Express

On top of that, our AI chatbot handled questions after hours.

The Results Speak for Themselves

  • Calls dropped to 334 a day.

  • They answered 80% of calls most days.

  • Staff weren’t as stressed.

  • Receptionists could focus on in-person patients.

With our Voice bot, MedCare Express got fewer calls, but they answered more of them. The staff was happier too. Some of them enjoyed answering patient questions via SMS, which felt less hectic than handling calls.

Our tools also helped them give faster replies to common questions. And the best part? Receptionists could focus on helping patients in person without juggling phone calls.

“Working with Seni Labs made a big difference. The new system took some weight off our shoulders and helped us serve our patients better.”

~ Jessica Martin, Director of Marketing and Outreach at MedCare Express

To sum it up, MedCare Express's partnership with Seni Labs was a hit. Even with more patient calls, they kept everything running smoothly and kept both their patients and staff happy.

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